Man that flight was long.. my toes swelled up so much.. my feet felt like balloons lolz but it wasn't so bad. Slept over half the way there. The view was beautiful though =]
If only I had wings to see this every day... |
Alrighty. So arrived, toes were back to normal size (lol) and then took a shuttle to the hostel. YHA hostel is just off George St., near chinatown or "little China". There are sooo many Asians in Sydney. And not just tourists.. it feels like we're in Asia dude.. and they were all speaking Asian too. I was so looking forward to seeing an Asian person with an Australian accent.. luckily I did hear a few.. it was satisfying =] haha. Everyone downtown is fully suited up.. it's like New York. Suits and people walking realz fast. Weather-wise, it's kind of cool but humid.. definitely have to wear a jacket or sweater, but you get sticky kind of fast.. meh.
Anywho, so the first lunch in Sydney.. Lees Malaysian! Curry laksa baby! mmmm.. the real stuff too. So yum. Probably not the healthiest way to start my trip, but at least it wasn't McDonald's right? lol
Curry laksa. Yum. |
Oh right, should probably tell you about the hostel too. So there's no free wi-fi, not even at Starbucks.. so I had to buy me some internet. $10 AUD for 24 hours. Ah the price to stay connected.. but phone service here is awesome I hear.. free incoming calls as long as you have a sim card.. even if there's no money on it. And everyone here has an iPhone. Right, so the hostel is like dorm life.. reminds of my McGill days.. bunk beds and shared washrooms. It's a new experience for Alyssa and Himz, but they are enjoying it for sure. Pretty nice though.. definitely better than university dorms lol.
Walked to the Sydney Opera House and picked up our iVenture cards.. so tomorrow, we'll be starting activities at full speed! Walking in my Adidas shoes all day though was a huge mistake. Definitely not enough padding in the heels.. so it looks like I'll be wearing my Nikes for a good portion of the trip. Good thing I brought them eh!? Otherwise I'd have to be buying myself a pair of shoes. The view at the harbour was awesome. And the vegetation is cool too cuz we don't get palm trees in Canada. I love palm trees =]
Oh and another random thing.. food and drinks here cost soo much. A 500 mL bottle of Coke costs like $4+ AUD. Anywho, I'll leave you with a couple of pics and I'm off again!
Peace out homies!
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